The Windsor-Essex Children’s Aid Society (WECAS) has proudly partnered with Boost Child Youth Advocacy Centre, with support from the Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies (OACAS), to introduce a new educational video series called Beastie Valley. The videos are suggested accompaniments to the existing Ontario Dress Purple Day Prevention Classroom Resources for Elementary Schools which are available on the OACAS website and can be found HERE. The videos can be found on the WECAS YouTube Channel HERE or by clicking on any one of the icons below.
The OACAS online classroom resources were built around the theme “It takes a community to care for kids.” These resources were intended to support teachers and education professionals to engage with their students in conversations about safety and well-being in all aspects of their lives, helping adults in the community, and how to ask for help.
With funding and leadership from the Windsor-Essex Children’s Aid Society, eight (8) elementary videos (grades JK – 2 & 3 – 5/6) will be available at no cost to anyone interesting in delivering the entire program and resources to the targeted age groups.
WECAS worked with Turtlebox Productions to create the videos. Turtlebox has produced dozens of shorts and interstitials that have aired on PBS Kids, CBC Kids, Universal Kids, Sesame Studios, Sensical, Kidoodle TV, Knowledge, and Peacock Junior. Turtlebox was recognized for their work on Design Squad for PBS with a Daytime Emmy nomination. They also have several scripted and unscripted shows in development.
The primary goal of the Beastie Valley Video Series is to increase the utilization and delivery of the entire prevention program by adding the new and unique element of video. Video is not only more engaging for a young audience but also appeals to educators and facilitators who appreciate the benefits of a supplemental visual medium to teach important social topics.
A secondary goal with the series is to engage other community leaders and advocates beyond the education sector to deliver the program. There are many community organizations (formal and informal) that are equipped to deliver this program to children and youth across communities and in various settings such as family learning centres and community organizations. Equitable access to these vital educational messages is essential for the protection of all children in all settings including their homes, schools, neighbourhoods and across their community.
Click on the icons below to access all of the videos…

NOTE: “To obtain copies of each topic written story and activity booklet, please email Tina Allen at or call (519) 252-1171 ext. 3200.
Sexual Assault Crisis Centre (SACC) & WECAS Partnership to Expand on the Beastie Valley Educational Video Series
SACC has expanded the Beastie Valley series with 4 new videos aimed at internet and social media safety. The videos specifically address the rising problem of what children are being exposed to and who they are communicating with online. Topics include what to do if a stranger wants to add them online; sharing pictures and images, seeing yucky, gross, scary or inappropriate images, and being asked to share personal information like their name, address or photo of themselves. ALL the Beastie Valley videos are accessible on the WE RAISE Our Children (Windsor Essex Resources and Information for the Success and Empowerment of our Children) website:
Lead Agency & Funder
In Partnership
These materials/videos have been adapted from the PEP TalkTM Prevention Program and Materials of Boost Child & Youth Advocacy Centre. The PEP TalkTM Prevention Program and Materials is ©Boost Child & Youth Advocacy Centre and used with permission. All Rights Reserved.
Special thank you to these amazing and brilliant individuals who contributed their time and expertise to ensuring the content and spirit of each educational video reflected the intent and purpose of the Dress Purple Day Classroom Modules (OACAS).
- Audrey Rastin, Director of Prevention Education – Boost Child & Youth Advocacy Centre
- Brynn Clarke, Communications Specialist – Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies
- Carol L Branget, MSW, RSW, BCN, Children’s Program Registered Social Worker, Board Certified in Neurofeedback – Sexual Assault Crisis Centre
- Charlotte LeFrank, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Specialist – Windsor-Essex Children’s Aid Society
- Dr. Nila Das, Ph.D., MBA, Interim Executive Director, – Windsor Essex Child/Youth Advocacy Centre
- Tina Gatt, BA, BSW,, Manager, Community Outreach -Windsor-Essex Children’s Aid Society
This success of this project would not have been possible without the creative visioning and production expertise of Co-Founders Cam & Kat Kelly Hayduk and the team at Turtlebox Productions.
For more information about the program, please contact:
Tina Gatt, Manager of Community Outreach 519-252-1171, ext. 3200