I/We the undersigned, submit this application with the following acknowledgements:
*** 1. The Child Protection Information Network (“CPIN”), is a single database storing information for all Child Welfare Agencies in Ontario (“CAS”). This includes information about service recipients who receive services from a CAS, and for those families who provide services such as foster parents, adoptive parents, and kinship families (“Resource Family”). All families who are either approved or are applying to become a Resource Family in Ontario are required to be registered in the CPIN database. All current and future information held in the records of Windsor Essex Children’s Aid Society are entered in the CPIN database. When identifying information is entered into the CPIN database, any CAS checking the provincial database may learn of any previous involvement that a person has had with any other CAS in Ontario. All families who are either approved or are applying to become a Resource Family must understand and agree that we need to collect, use and disclose personal information belonging to that Resource Family in order to provide services to the child(ren) placed with that Resource Family and the families of such child(ren). Unless we have consent or are otherwise required or permitted by law to do so, we will only collect information about a Resource Family directly from that family. When we disclose a Resource Family’s information, we will always do so with consent unless we are otherwise required or permitted by law to do so. We appreciate your co-operation in providing your consent for the collection, registration, use and disclosure of the personal information pertaining to your family. CONSENT FOR REGISTRATION - I/We acknowledge that I/We have read and understand the information outlined above.
*** 2. I/We understand that any false statement or omitted information in this application may jeopardize my/our application.