Vision Statement – “Our Children, Our Future”
Our Vision has three distinct components:
OUR – reflects the collective responsibility of the Society, parents and families, the community, other service providers in working collectively and collaboratively to ensure the best for the community’s children. It denotes responsibility and accountability for the well-being of children.
CHILDREN – defines the focus and a clear direction for the organization in terms of intent, priority and responsibility. It also represents the fact that all children are involved in our Vision because any child, at any point in time, could have a need for the programs and services of the Society.
FUTURE – articulates our horizon and our hopes. It identifies that each child’s life is vital to the future of our community.
Mission Statement
The Windsor-Essex Children’s Aid Society is dedicated to the well-being and safety of every child by advocating for, and partnering with, our children, families and communities.
Values and Guiding Principles – We believe…
Children First
In the fundamental value and worth of each person, particularly those who are most vulnerable, including the need and right of every child to be safe, nurtured, to have a sense of belonging and the opportunity to reach their potential.
Family Friendly
That the family is the preferred educator and nurturer of their children, and that supports need to be available to assist families, wherever possible, in fulfilling this responsibility.
Commitment to People
That all staff, foster parents and volunteers have a vital stake in the care and well-being of each person we serve, and in the realization of the Society’s Vision and Mission.
That our service planning and delivery needs to achieve excellence in all dimensions through innovation, responsiveness, use of best practices and the development of strong leadership in ensuring the best interests of children are being continually met.
Cultural Sensitivity
In program and operations that are sensitive to and respectful of the cultural uniqueness and diversity of our community, and which are non-judgmental in their application.
Welcoming and Innovating
In providing a workplace that is safe and welcoming and an organizational culture that values employees, effectively communicates internally and externally, fosters innovation and team work and which encourages the meaningful participation of stakeholders.
In the ongoing need to actively undertake community education initiatives on and to consistently advocate for the safety, well-being and potential of each child.
In being accountable to our stakeholders for the programs and services provided, and the effective and efficient use of the resources made available to the Society.
(a) As a paramount objective, to promote the best interest, protection and well-being of children.
(b) To discharge the functions of a Children’s Aid Society under the Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017 (CYFSA), as may be amended, and any statute enacted in substitution thereof from time to time as follows:
(i) investigate allegations or evidence that children who are under the age of sixteen years or are in the society’s care or under its supervision may be in need of protection;
(ii) protect, where necessary, children who are under the age of sixteen years or are in the society’s care or under its supervision;
(iii) provide guidance, counseling and other services to families for protecting children or for the prevention of circumstances requiring the protection of children;
(iv) provide care for children assigned or committed to its care under the Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017 (CYFSA) and successor legislation;
(v) supervise children assigned to its supervision under the Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017 (CYFSA) and successor legislation;
(vi) place children for adoption under Part VII of the Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017 (CYFSA) and successor legislation;
(vii) perform any other duties given to it by the Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017 (CYFSA) or any other Act.