Wendy’s Wonderful Kids is a signature program of the Dave Thomas Foundation For Adoption Canada whose mission is to move children who are living in foster care into permanent, loving adoptive homes — forever families. At the heart of this program is the belief that every child deserves to live in a safe, permanent family and that no child is unadoptable.
Wendy’s restaurants, their customers and other partners raise funds for the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption. The Foundation awards grants to local adoption organizations to hire recruiters who use child-focused recruitment strategies targeted exclusively on placing foster care children with adoptive families.
Click here to visit Wendy’s Wonderful Kids website.
At Windsor-Essex Children’s Aid Society, we have one Wendy’s Wonderful Kids recruiter who works full-time to find adoptive homes for children. This worker devotes her time to finding families who can best match the needs of our children. Typically these children have been harder to find families for by virtue of their age or their level of needs. Working in partnership with Wendy’s Wonderful Kids, We are giving more children the very best gift of all—a forever family.
Meet Darcy Thachuk, our recruiter. Read these stories …
An Update on Serenity and Kai’s Story
These wonderful kids just want to know you love them
For more information about adoption, please contact our Adoption Department at 519-252-1171 or adoption@wecas.on.ca.