Every October, Children’s Aid Societies across the province raise awareness about the important role that individuals and communities play in supporting vulnerable children, youth, and families through the provincial Dress Purple Day campaign. On Dress Purple Day – October 27, we will recognize the community organizations that are part of the circle of care that supports the entire family and their collective well-being. We will focus on emphasizing the urgency of providing early help and supportive services that are available to families facing challenges. This includes the prevention and early intervention work Children’s Aid Societies do to support families and keep children and youth at home. On Dress Purple Day, Children’s Aid Societies will continue to collaborate with key partners to speak up for every child and youth’s right to safety and well-being in all spaces. Not just physical safety and well-being—children and youth have the right to have their intersectional identity, which includes culture, race, sexual orientation, and gender identity, protected and supported in all spaces. Dress Purple Day offers an opportunity to remind ALL Ontarians that Children’s Aid Societies work together with many other social service providers and community partners to help children, youth, and families facing challenges. On Dress Purple Day, we celebrate the community that cares for families and share the message that help is available and no one is alone.
Visit — oacas.org/DressPurpleDay to view the provincial campaign key messages; create a video to share with your friends, loved ones, and neighbours the message that help is available, they are not alone, and you are part of the community that cares for children, youth, and families; and download the online classroom resources and activities to assist in making the day a meaningful and engaging learning opportunity for students that encourages conversations about safety and well-being in all aspects of their lives.
Learn about our Child Safety & Wellbeing Program & NEW Beastie Valley Educational Video Series! Presentations are available
Find us on Social Media @WindsorEssexCAS – Connect with us on social media and share your tweets, pictures and success stories in preventing abuse, protecting children and strengthening families.
Please use the hashtags #WEgoespurple, #IDressPurpleBecause #DressPurpleDay2023