Adoption Disclosure Information

Ontario Regulation 158/18 of the CYFSA came into effect in April 2018. If the adoption took place through WECAS and you are an eligible person, you can apply to WECAS for non-identifying information pertaining to the adoption.


    1. An adopted person 18 or older or if under 18 who has (the written) consent of adoptive parent
    2. An adoptive parent
    3. The child of an adopted person if the (adopted) person is deceased and the child is 18 or older
    4. A birth parent
    5. A birth grandparent
    6. A birth sibling who is 18 or older
    7. A sibling of a birth parent if the sibling is 18 or older

Response Requirements

Requests for non-identifying information are completed within 30 days after receiving the request (with all necessary background information that includes: name, date of birth, address, telephone, one piece of valid/legible government issued photo ID with requestor’s signature, and baseline information about what the requestor is seeking). This timeline may be extended to 90 days if:

    1. Responding to the request within 30 days would unreasonably interfere with the operations of the Society because the information consists of numerous pieces of information or locating the information would necessitate a lengthy search (s. 9(7)(a) O. Reg. 158/18);  OR
    2. Responding to the request within 30 days after receiving it is not reasonably practical because of the time required to render the information non-identifying (s. 9(7)(b) O. Reg. 158.18)

Non-identifying information related to an adoption is prepared in the following manner:

    1. If it is practicable to do so, WECAS will make copies of any written documents and delete/redact any information from the documents that may reveal the identity of a person other than the person who requested the information.
    2. If it is not practicable to make a copy of a written document, WECAS will prepare a written summary of the information, omitting any information from the summary that may reveal the identity of a person other than the person who requested the information.

Disclosure of Information

Information Related to an Adoption may Include (s.9(2)(a-g) O. Reg 158/18):

    1. background information relating to,
      1. an adopted person’s birth parents, birth grandparents, birth siblings and other birth family members,
      2. an adopted person’s adoptive parents and adoptive family, or
      3. in the case of an adopted person who was adopted more than once, the adopted person’s former adoptive parents and former adoptive family;
    2. the circumstances leading to an adoption placement;
    3. the details relating to the birth of an adopted person;
    4. the care received by the person prior to an adoption placement;
    5. the developmental progress of the adopted person;
    6. the date of an adoption placement or of an adoption order; and
    7. the name of the Society or of the licensee responsible for the adoption placement.

Further Information for Requestors (these services are only available through 

    • As of June 1, 2009, adopted adults and birth parents can apply for post-adoption and birth information from birth records and adoption orders. This allows adults aged 18 and older to apply for a copy of his or her original birth registration and adoption order.
    • A birth parent may receive information from the birth registration and the adoption order of the child that was placed for adoption once the child turns 19 years of age.
    • If an individual wants identifying information to be kept private and if the adoption order was made before September 1, 2008, adopted adults and birth parents can file a disclosure veto to prevent the release of any identifying information.
    • Adopted adults and birth family members may place themselves on the Adoption Disclosure Register if they are interested in contacting each other.
    • Further information is available at

Acts and Legislation


to apply for adoption disclosure, Please complete the form below
Adoption Disclosure Request