Procurement and Expenses Directive
In 2011, the Ontario Government issued two directives designated to all Broader Public Sector (BPS) organizations — a Procurement Directive and an Expenses Directive. BPS organizations are publicly funded organizations that receive operational funding from the Ontario Government. Windsor-Essex Children’s Aid Society is a BPS organization.
The purpose of the Procurement Directive is:
- To ensure that publicly funded goods and services, including construction, consulting services, and information technology are acquired by BPS organizations through a process that is open, fair, and transparent;
- To outline responsibilities of BPS organizations throughout each stage of the procurement process; and
- To ensure that procurement processes are managed consistently throughout the BPS.
We invite you to review the Supply Chain Code of Ethics here. The Agency’s policy can be reviewed here.
The purpose of the Expenses Directive is:
- To outline the expense rules for the following individuals making an expense claim: Employees, Foster Parents, Volunteers, Board Members and Consultants and Contractors engaged by the Society.
This policy is available for you to read here.
<2020-2021 BPS Compliance Certificate>
Perquisites Directive
In 2011, The Management Board of Cabinet issued a Broader Public Sector Perquisites Directive under the authority of the Broader Public Sector Accountability Act, 2010 (Part IV.1: Perquisites), the “Act”.
The purpose of this directive is to set out the requirement for the designated BPS organizations to establish rules on perquisites where these are provided through public funds.
Every designated BPS organization must establish rules with respect to perquisites. These rules must cover all individuals in the organization. We invite you to review this policy here.
<Attestation of Compliance – Perquisites>
Executive Level Staff Travel Expenses
Effective March 31, 2017, policy directive CW 001-17 issued under s. 20.1 of the Child and Family Services Act requires all children’s aid societies to post year-end audited actual travel expenses incurred by executive-level staff on their websites on an annual basis.
<Executive Travel Expenses – Apr 1, 2021 to Mar 31, 2022>
BPS Business Documents Directive
Effective January 1, 2016, the BPS Business Documents Directive requirements for designated BPS organizations to post business plans and other business and financial documents to their public website. The Directive applies to all designated BPS organizations, as defined under the Broader Public Sector Accountability Act, 2010.
The Directive is intended to provide the public with a means to understand the business objectives and overall operations of these organizations, and to bring consistency and transparency across designated BPS organizations.
Annual Reports
- 2021-22 Annual Report
- 2020-21 Annual Report
- 2019-20 Annual Report
Audited Financial Statements
Operational Plan
Strategic Plan
Additional Documents